Underground car park
Hotel Marriott

, 80805 Munich
, Schwabing
0711 / 305 70 305
Parking tariff
Opening Hours
Quick information
Flatrate parking
Drive in and out of the car park as often as you wish at a fixed monthly price. Based on a contract parking rental contract.
Flatrate parking starter
Contract parking directly in the city. Get a starter subscription for 6 months and save 50%.
Season ticket
Any entry and exit within a specified period of validity between 1 and max. 3 months. No payment at the pay machine. You can exit directly.
Parking offers
Parking Tariff
Short term parker:
First hour 4.00 EUR
Each additional hour 3.50 EUR
Daily max.: 29.00 EUR
Lost ticket: 29.00 EUR
Car Park Description
Car park Hotel Marriott. Within 5 minutes walking distance from subway-station Nordfriedhof. In this area you can find many restaurants and hotels. In this car park you can rent a parking space or long term parking. Long term parking possible.